نتایج جستجو برای عبارت :

salhaye door az khane 6

salhaye door az khane ghesmat 12
salhaye door az khaneh 12

According to an official diplomatic letter sent by the United States to the Iranian delegation to the United Nations and released by Reuters today (Tuesday), the United States has imposed restrictions on the travel of more than 10 Iranian diplomats and their families living in New York.
These diplomats are subject to the same mandate that the US Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Mohammad Jawad Zarif, said on Sunday, that among the tens of tensions, the two countries have gone to the United Nations and, based on this ruling, can only stand between the UN headquarters, the delegation Iran at the United Nations, Iran's Ambassador to the United Nations and John F. Kennedy Airport.
salhaye door az khane ghesmat 12

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